Daniel Garber speaks with Aram Rappaport about his new film Syrup

Posted in Advertising, comedy, Cultural Mining, Drama, Movies, Romantic Comedy, Suspicion, Uncategorized by CulturalMining.com on July 12, 2013

Aram RappaportHi, this is Daniel Garber at the Movies for culturalmining.com and CIUT 89.5 FM.

Next time you take a sip of pop or juice or an energy drink, think for a second:
Are you drinking something you like? Or is it something you’ve been told you like?

Well, there’s a new movie, a comedy/drama called SYRUP, that says marketing and brand names  are all that matter. The main character is a young guy who calls himself “Scat” (Shiloh Fernandez), who comes up with an idea for a new drink. He thinks it will make him millions of dollars… if he can convince a company to buy it.

But all he has is the name.

Aram Rappaport speaks to me by telephone from Chicago to tell us about his brash, funny, fast-moving film SYRUP that opens today in Toronto. (July 12, 2013)

Shiloh Fernandez and Amber Heard in SYRUP, a Magnolia Pictures release

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